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Impact of Brexit on PPE

Posted in PPE on 2020-12-22 by CTC
Brexit will have an impact on trade in personal protective equipment. Here we summarize the information we have collected so far.



Impact of Brexit on PPE certification: timeline


The United Kingdom has left the European Union.


The transitional period ends and Brexit is official in effect.


The new British UKCA certification (UK conformity assessment) comes into effect, replacing the CE marking. However, in order to give enterprises time to adapt to the new requirements, a one-year transition period will be provided. You will still be able to use the CE marking until 1 January 2022.


UK notified bodies will be automatically withdrawn, so the certificates they have issued become null and void.


Existing Stocks of PPE which are manufactured and CE certified before 1 January 2021 can still be sold in UK.


Only the PPE with UKCA marking will allow to be sold in the UK since January 1, 2022. UKCA marking will not be recognized by the EU.


The UKCA will be issued by UK third parties (mainly former UK Notified Bodies). This is a copy and paste of the CE marking procedure to the regulation.

European PPE standards are currently applicable in the UK. So the UKCA is based on the same standards as the CE marking. But this could change in the future if the UK publishes British standards or imposes specific British requirements. This risk exists but remains limited, the UK remaining a member of CEN, it will continue to participate in the development of European standards. On the other hand, the European standard will apply only if the UK decides to include it in its national collection (BS).


personal protective equipment brexit regulation

Screenshot from official website 


Until 01/01/2023, the UKCA can be affixed in the form of a label on the PPE, then the UKCA must be affixed on the product as the CE marking.

If any new PPE related information, CTC will share with you as soon as possible.

Official UKCA Mark guidance:https://www.gov.uk/guidance/using-the-ukca-mark-from-1-january-2021




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