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43 blog articles
New PPE Footwear standards EN ISO 20345-6-7:2022 are now applicable!
New PPE Footwear standards EN ISO 20345-6-7:2022 are now applicable!
Posted in PPE on 2022-04-06 by CTC
21st UITIC International Technical Footwear Congress : Moving towards sustainability through innovation
The 21st UITIC International Technical Footwear Congress will be held in Milan in September 2023. It will gather several experts from the footwear industry to discuss technical problems and major innovations.
Posted in Promotion of the sector on 2023-02-15 by CTC
COVID-19 Update for Inspection and Audit - December 2021
Due to covid-19, countries have taken different restriction measures to deal with the local epidemic situation, here we CTC list the policies of different countries that affect the on-site inspection and factory audit.
Posted in News on 2021-12-13 by CTC
The skin: origin and trades
CTC is pleased to share this video made on the initiative of the French Federation of Raw Leather and Skin. This film illustrates the journey of the skin and the occupations of professionals in the raw skin sector.
Posted in Promotion of the sector on 2021-09-27 by Fédération Française des Cuirs et peaux
Resistance to permeation by chemicals
Posted in PPE on 2021-08-23 by CTC
Assessing the slip resistance of city and leisure footwear
In the previous CTC study undertaken, we examined the test methods and changes that seek to assess the performance of PPE footwear (Personal Protective Equipment) in view of the risks posed by slipping. While slipping represents a serious risk in the world of work and forms part of the mandatory requirements placed on safety footwear, it is also important for day-to-day use and can be...
Posted in Innovation Research & Development on 2021-08-21 by CTC
"Success story" interview with the company "Lemaitre Sécurité", manufacturer of PPE
Laurent RUSTENHOLZ, responsible for industrial management and Design Office Manager with responsibilities for laboratory management and related tasks.
Posted in CTC Tech on 2021-08-16 by CTC
UKCA for PPE product
The United Kingdom (UK) has decided to leave the European Union (EU), the decision was taken by referendum by the British peoples in 2016. After several years of discussion, the Brexit has been officially and politically defined the 31 January 2020. However, the last negotiation was the most important one because it is here that the practical economical organisation between UE and UK has been...
Posted in PPE on 2021-07-26 by CTC
USA California Proposition 65: latest updates on notices of violation relating to chromium 6 in leather goods
As a right-to-know law, California Proposition 65 ("Prop65") requires businesses to provide "a clear and reasonable warning" to Californian consumers about significant exposures to chemicals listed in Prop65 at a level that may cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
Posted in Innocuousness on 2021-06-16 by CTC
China: draft for a national GB standard applicable to footwear
In April 2021, the Chinese authorities communicated to the World Trade Organization (WTO) a draft national GB standard defining the safety requirements applicable to footwear for adults (notification No. G/TBT/N/CHN/1587). Remember that GB standards are mandatory for the Chinese market.
Posted in Innocuousness on 2021-06-10 by CTC
CTC X Kipsta collaboration: Success Story !
Posted in News on 2021-06-07 by S. Hureaux / CTC
The Latest information & Developments on Chinese quality regulation FOR Leather, footwear & clothing
In January 2021, a project of national compulsory standard for general safety requirement for footwear drafted in 2020 has passed the stage of consultation from members of the SAC (Standardization Administration of China) and the official members from different companies. This GB compulsory standard should be published in 2021 in China however the standard number and the date of its application...
Posted in Normalization on 2021-05-17 by CTC
Europe - REACh: final opinion on the proposed restriction of allergens in articles (Annex XVII)
Following the public consultation organized in summer 2020 (see CTC article on the subject), the European Committee for Socio-economic Analysis (SEAC) adopted its final opinion in September 2020 (see article CTC) on the proposed restriction aiming to include a new requirement in Annex XVII of the REACh Regulation for skin sensitizing substances (allergens) in certain consumer articles.
Posted in Innocuousness on 2021-05-11 by CTC
CTC International 2021
Since 1899, CTC has been supporting you in leather goods, shoes, gloves and clothing. We are your quality control and sustainable development partner for these products. In order to meet the needs of your customers, regulatory changes, societal, environmental changes, etc., the responsiveness and robustness of your supply chain and the marketing of products are key points. The rise in...
Posted in News on 2021-04-13 by CTC
Webinar: Enter the Chinese market and understand GB specificities
Posted in News on 2021-02-12 by CTC
Europe - REACh: Candidate list updated with 2 SVHC substances
The Candidate List of the European REACh Regulation was updated on January 19, 2021 with the addition of 2 substances. The List now contains 211 chemicals of very high concern. The 2 new entries are those that were proposed during the public consultation organized in September 2020.
Posted in Innocuousness on 2021-01-21 by CTC
Impact of Brexit on PPE
Brexit will have an impact on trade in personal protective equipment. Here we summarize the information we have collected so far.
Posted in PPE on 2020-12-22 by CTC
CTC International Spring 2020
Since 1899, CTC has been supporting you in leather goods, shoes, gloves and clothing. We are your quality control and sustainable development partner for these products. In order to meet the needs of your customers, regulatory changes, societal, environmental changes, etc., the responsiveness and robustness of your supply chain and the marketing of products are key points. The rise in...
Posted in News on 2020-11-30 by CTC
Europe public consultation on the findings of the study on bisphenol A in textiles
At the end of 2019, the European Commission asked the Scientific Committee on Consumer Safety (SCCS) to assess the risk posed by the presence of bisphenol A (BPA, CAS No. 80-05-7) in clothing. This request followed the detection of BPA in women's tights and socks intended for infants and young children in studies conducted in 2017 and 2018.
Posted in Innocuousness on 2020-11-12 by CTC
Europe - REACh: numerous chemical non-conformities in imported articles
At the end of September 2020, the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) published the report of a European project on the implementation of the REACh and CLP regulations (regulation n ° 1272/2008 relating to the classification, labeling and packaging of substances and mixtures).
Posted in Innocuousness on 2020-10-16 by CTC
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