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'Certification has become an essential part of our business relationships. The involvement of a certifier using a specific standard strengthens trust.'
Jean-Claude Cannot PhD, Director of Certification & Labels


 Certification : Strong commitment to product and organisation compliance

Certification is provided by a third party, to assure that a product or process is compliant with the requirements defined in a standard.

CTC provides compliance certificates both for established standards and for norms developed by our experts.


 Personnal Protective Equipment certification  (PPE)

CTC has been notified since the years 1990 for the certification of protective equipment of foot, leg, hand, arm and body covered by the Directive 89/686/EEC. This notification covers category II PPE (article 10) and category III PPE (Article 11A).


CTC bears the Notified Body number 0075.


On March 7, 2019, accreditation of the CTC CE Marking service.
This new accreditation meets a requirement of the European Personal Protective Equipment Regulation for Notified Bodies.
From now, CTC Lyon is accredited for its Testing and Certification activities.


On Novembre 30, 2017, CTC was notified to Regulation (UE) 2016/425, repealing Directive 89/686/EEC, for the certification of the same categories of PPE (module B and Module C2).

You can send your questions or submit your certification requests on the contact form.

Useful Documents:


 CTC Ethics Certificates

Ethics form the foundation of CTC's expertise and CSR policy. Ethics provide a guarantee to our customers regarding the integrity of our staff, our respect for legislation and our exemplary business practices.

CE marking Notified Body PPE certification CE MARKING
waste water index accredited laboratory qualified laboratory staff  

Our brochures

PPE Brochure Gloves
10 reasons to choose CTC

Our certification services


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CTC Groupe - 4 rue Hermann Frenkel - 69367 Lyon Cedex 7, France