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UKCA for PPE product

Posted in PPE on 2021-07-26 by CTC
The United Kingdom (UK) has decided to leave the European Union (EU), the decision was taken by referendum by the British peoples in 2016. After several years of discussion, the Brexit has been officially and politically defined the 31 January 2020. However, the last negotiation was the most important one because it is here that the practical economical organisation between UE and UK has been fixed. It is the 24th December that these final rules were defined.

The regulation N° 2016/425 continues to fix in EU the procedure for the CE marking of the Personal protective equipment (PPE). A new system of certification will be necessary for UK, the UKCA marking.

The new certification: UKCA

This new system is more or less the same that the old one. Only the terms are changing:
• Le law “regulation N°425/2016” becomes “Personal 
Protective Equipment Regulations (Regulation EU) 2016/425 as brought into UK law and amended”
• “CE marking” become “UKCA marking”
• “Notified body becomes” “approved body”
• …

It was necessary to create a systemto help the PPE manufacturers
to avoid duplication of workwith unnecessary tests and administrative documents.


But the general rules and procedures are more or less the same. The tests on the PPE will be done with the same test methods, most of the times the EN or EN ISO standards. Only one thing is important to note, to sell in EU, the CE marking is mandatory whereas to sell in UK, the UKCA marking is mandatory. A PPE needs now 2 certifications.

The following time schedule is foreseen at the present time:

  • Until the 1st January2022, PPE that are CE marked can still be on the market without the UKCA marking
  • The 1st January 2022, the PPE shall be UKCA marked to be sold on the UK market
  • Until the 1st January 2023, the PPE have the option to affix the UKCA on a label affixed to the product or on an accompanying document
  • The 1st January 2023, the UKCA marking shall be affixed directly to the product (expected for exceptional case, for example disposable hear protection).

UKCA step by step

CTC offers combined certification service

It was necessary to create a system to help the PPE manufacturers to avoid duplication of work with unnecessary tests and administrative documents.

CTC (Notified Body N°0075) and SATRA (UK Approved Body AB0321), both specialists in the certification of Personal Protective Equipment, have decided to enter into a robust partnership enabling CTC’s customers to obtain CE marking and UKCA certification in a combined service.

CTC and Satra have already successfully collaborated in European research programmes. There is a common confidence between the 2 organisations.  Both companies are sharing the same philosophy, the link between scientific research and industry, participation in standardization, promotion of technical progress, improvement of processes, etc. 

This unique service will enable CTC’s customers, currently selling PPE (safety footwear, protective gloves, protective garments) in the UK under CE marking in the post-Brexit transition period, to certify their products with the UKCA mark and continue supplying their PPE to UK clients after this transition period.

The collaboration will see a strong network of certification experts working in partnership to share best practice, best processes and deliver certification to CTC’s customers in due time and secure these customers’ business continuity in the UK.

CTC proposes to its customer a simple procedure with only some documents to fulfil. After this registration step, CTC manages directly with Satra in order to obtain the UKCA certificate. 

Before the PPE is placed on the market, the manufacturer will be required to issue a declaration of compliance with UK law in addition to its declaration of compliance with Regulation N°2016/425.


More information certifications CTC Labels

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