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Business continuity CTC - COVID-19

Posted in News on 2020-03-17 by CTC
In Lyon, on March 16, 2020, CTC has implemented a series of protocols which help to limit the spread of COVID-19. These measures consist mainly of reducing physical contact between people.


Lyon: site presence

The presence of our employees on the Lyon site has been minimized by using a series of measures:

  • Telework,
  • External and internal video conference,
  • holiday,
  • Meeting rooms and internal meeting places at CTC have been refurbished to limit the number of people.


The management of this organization of work is done service by service in order to ensure business continuity and to restrict physical presence only to activities that cannot be virtualized.


Visit of persons outside CTC

  • We limit visits to those that have a direct impact on the continuity of priority activities (market and non-market).
  • All other visits should, as much as possible, be rescheduled and not canceled.
  • External companies (maintenance, repairs) will be imperatively welcomed by the technical services.



At the reception desk, a confidentiality line has been set up in order to preserve the integrity of our employees. The registration book will be completed by the hostess who will note the names of visitors and their telephone numbers.

Gloves were made available to our staff at the reception-shipment.


Staff out of CTC

Individual transport is to be encouraged.

As a precaution, all travel outside of CTC is prohibited. Except in exceptional cases to ensure the continuity of CTC actions, these trips will be validated by the hierarchy.

Our employees will favor videoconferencing whenever possible. We have put in place the necessary means to virtualize our activity.


Monitoring of this action plan

The management committee will meet daily to follow up on the action plan.

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CTC Groupe - 4 rue Hermann Frenkel - 69367 Lyon Cedex 7, France